martes, abril 18, 2006

¿Qué tan efectivo es el psicoanálisis?

De un estudio de psicología clásico publicado en 1957 por Eysenck.

We may now turn to the figures as presented. Patients treated by means of psychoanalysis improve to the extent of 44 per cent; patients treated eclectically improve to the extent of 64 per cent; patients treated only custodially or by general practitioners improve to the extent of 72 per cent. There thus appears to be an inverse correlation between recovery and psychotherapy; the more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate. This conclusion requires certain qualifications.

The figures fail to support the hypothesis that psychotherapy facilitates recovery from neurotic disorder. In view of the many difficulties attending such actuarial comparisons, no further conclusions could be derived from the data whose shortcomings highlight the necessity of properly planned and executed experimental studies into this important field.

Cuarenta y cuatro porciento de los pacientes mejoraron con psicoanálisis comparado con el 72% que mejoró sin hacer nada.

Tomen en cuenta que por regresión al promedio los pacientes van a mejorar aunque no se les aplique ningún tratamiento. Más o menos las dos terceras partes de los pacientes van a mejorar sin ser tratados por psicoterapeutas

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